Friday, November 22, 2013

Comparison of 2 Designs

1: What are the major differences in these 2 versions?
in the first design, the text is within the record being scratched and the whole design in very sketchy and faded. In the second design the text is much larger and surrounding the design and the whole design is much darker and refined.

2: What design issue caused a change in the final artwork.
The text in the first version was very small and quite difficult to read, therefore it was made much larger in the second design to become more legible.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Principles of Design Notes

Principles of Design

“People ignore design that ignores people.” –Frank Chimero

What is Design?

Design elements are the basic units of a visual image.
The principles of design govern the relationships of the elements used and organize the composition as a whole.
All imagery -- art, design and photography alike – are comprised of elements that can be broken down and analyzed. This goes for web design as well.

Design Elements:

Space can exist in two or three dimensions. Also refers to positive or negative space. Promotes the illusion of depth with foreground, mid or background elements.
Lines can be used to guide the viewers eyes or provide a sense of movement or motion.
Color can evoke moods or to draw the eye to a certain area. It can be used to mute or hide images, convey a sense of place or time.
Shapes can be either geometric or organic. Some shapes can convey emotion or represent well known images.
Texture is perceived surface quality and can be implied or tactile, meaning an actual physical texture.
Value helps convey an illusion of depth and gives objects shading. Value is the difference between light and dark areas.

Design Principles:

A technique that can create a sense of order, with a consistency of size and shape. Proximity can create a sense of or lack of unity.
         Repetition is used all the time. Repetition is used all the time.
When things look like they are in their place. When objects or shapes look like they belong. A rhythm to the piece.
Incredibly powerful. Refers to the physical placement of elements within the piece. Proper alignment and hierarchy promotes legibility and logic within the piece.
         The relationship between objects, relative to size and scale.
The most important element of design. The piece must both look good and covey a message. A balance must be found between form and function in order to have a great piece.

Typography Notes


typography |tīˈpägrəfē|
the style and appearance of printed matter.
• the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it.

 “Fonts are the clothing that our ideas wear.”


When deciding a font, legibility is key. Serif vs Sans Serif. A serif is the little foot at the end of a letter. Serif fonts feature these and sans serif fonts do not. Serif fonts are easier to read at small sizes and sans serif fonts are more recognizable at a large size.

Too many fonts spoil the design.

Also, don’t use fonts that are too similar and indistinguishable from each other. Fonts should contrast each other and add emphasis.


Serif fonts without all caps are much easier to read for body text.


Type can be justified left,
Justified middle,
Or justified right.

The rag is the uneven edge of the body type, the less variation there is in the rag, the better. Don’t have lonely words or big chunks missing.

To add emphasis, you can use italics or bold fonts. Underlines can be used too but they generally look unprofessional. Color and text size can also add emphasis. As a last resort, changing the style of the type can work.

Arbitrarily distorting fonts compromises their integrity. When scaling, make sure to use the shit key to keep fonts consistent.


Is a font heavy or light?

A document needs to have balanced font, this may not require symmetry, but it needs to have a good feel and weight to the correct fonts.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

File Format Notes

File Formats

All computer files are saved with a certain format

Format is determined by the origin of the file.

EX: Photoshop has .psd

Graphic Files (like photo or video) can be reduced in file size by compression.

Lossy VS Lossless

Graphic image formats have two categories of compression: Lossy and Lossless

Lossy: Image data is “lost” or reduced and can cause poor image quality. Results in “Compression artifacts”

Lossless retains image data for higher quality but larger file size.

Some  Lossless formats are better for bigger files, like .tiff or .png or .pdf, but are not always web friendly

Lossy can result in pixelization.

Graphic Formats

TIF, JPG, and GIF are the 3 most common formats for common activities such as printing, scanning and displaying images over the Internet.

TIF is better for printing, JPEG has smaller file sizes, and GIF can have animated files and alpha channels.

PNG is a common web format and is high quality and can contain an alpha (transparency) channel

Alpha Channel: Does not need a square border, can be a cutout.

Each format has its own advantages


TIF: Tag Image Format. Common for desktop publishing, print, photo and graphic design.

A LOSSLESS file format.  Retains image fata for maximum image quality.

Can result in larger file sizes. Not fit for internet or browser usage.


JPEG: Joint Photographers Expert Group

Created for digital photography

LOSSY format: compresses images.

Can reduce images 10:1 without showing significant compression artifacts

Compression level is adjustable

Recompressing images makes them look worse every time. Work in native format if possible.

Worst choice for graphics.


GIF: Graphical Interchange Format

Is best for graphics or images that have flat color or flat tone.

“Indexes” color and reduces image size.

Color channels can be changed from 1 to 8

Contains no DPI (Dots Per Inch) data for printing

GIFS can be animated and made into “Cinemagraphs.”

Worst choice for photographs.

Know Your Pixels

TIF and JPG are best for images with pixels that blend in color, these are called “contiguous pixels

GIF is best for images with flat, even tone or “non-contiguous pixels”

Alias vs Anti-Alias

Aliased have hard edged pixel art.

Anti-Aliased: smoothens out shapes with gradients.­

Understanding File Formats

Understanding file formats:

For the redwoods image, the format with the smallest file size was the low quality JPEG at only 43 KB. The greatest file size was the PNG-24, at 861 KB. The highest quality image, in terms of compression and color appeared to be the high quality jpeg. While the PNG may not have had as many compression issues, there were issues with the gradient in the sky. Due to the high quality jpegs image quality and low file size, 147 KB, I would say it is the best option for this image.

gif 32 no dither
gif 32, dithered
 gif 64 no dither
 gif 64 dithered
 gif 128 no dither
 gif 128 dithered
 gif restricted
 jpeg high quality
 jpeg low quality
 jpeg low quality
 jpeg medium quality
 png 8-128
 png 24

For the gradient image, the format with the smallest file size was, again, the low quality JPEG at only 4 KB. The greatest file size was again the PNG-24, at 53 KB. The highest quality image this time was the PNG-24, with no issues in terms of color, compression or gradient. While the jpegs were smaller files, they showed many compression artifacts around the border of the circle. However, the high quality jpeg's compression artifacts are hardly noticeable at a small scale. Overall though, I would say that for a picture this simple, the PNG was the best choice.
gif 32, no dither
 gif 32, dithered
 gif 64, no dither
 gif 64, dithered
 gif 128, no dither
 gif 128, dithered
 gif restricted
jpeg high quality
jpeg low quality
joeg medium quality
png-8 128